How to Identify Your Gaps to Growth

Identify Where You're Stuck

The GAP Framework - Part 1

Identifying what’s keeping you stuck.

Today, I want to give you a framework that will help you leap over your current gap (from where you are) to where you want to be.

If you’re struggling with anxiety because you’re in the gap and haven’t yet “achieved” the goal check out last weeks email.

This is a quick framework that I’ve been using with my clients and they love it.
It helps to clear the fog.

If someone would have given me this simple framework I think it would have saved me a lot of heart ache in my business journey.

Flow vs Force

Before this framework I was ALL FORCE. I’m really good at engineering growth. I know what pieces need to go where and when. FORCE has utility but it’s dangerous in with ongoing usage. It can get you started but shouldn’t keep you going.

Force is moving against my intuition
Force is building from an unhealthy identity
Force is not operating according to my values
Force is unnecessary energy expenditure

Scaling my businesses before, went something like this:

  1. Figure out the math

  2. Put in the right people

  3. Don’t listen to my intuition or emotions

  4. Push

  5. Don’t listen to my wife

  6. Push some more

  7. Don’t listen to God

  8. Force

  9. Die 

As I’ve discovered it’s not the best long term strategy.

It’s the easiest way to burnout, hate business and as mentioned above, death.

Ever want to burn your business to the ground?

Keep reading…

Let’s discuss a better strategy.

In a minute I’m going to give you questions to consider so you can identify your gaps.

What are Your Gaps?

We all have different continual GAPS. Knowing that relieves tension (at least for me).

Here are the gaps that we need to identify:

Note: as I started writing this I realized this was going to need to be a 2 parter. In part 1 I’ll cover:

1. Clarity
2. Belief
3. Alignment

In part 2 I’ll cover…

4. Knowledge
5. Skill
6. Resources
7. Biology

The WHOLE IDEA around the GAP Framework is to keep us in healthy motion towards what our desire is. 

Perpetual motion forward »»

If you don’t know your next step in business (or life), you might have a gap.
If you feel ick about what you’re doing, you might have a gap.
If you know what and why but now how, you might have a gap.
If you feel unmotivated… I can’t help you. Just kidding.

I want to use the Gap Framework to oscillate between logic and emotion.

Okay let’s jump in with our first G-A-P.

The Clarity Gap 

When you don’t know where you’re going or what you’re doing, you DON’T have clarity.

No shame. I’ve coached many people and lack of clarity is common. Even if you’ve already achieved really cool things and don’t know “what’s next”. This is why clarity should become a practice.

The first step in filling the clarity gap is answering these 3 questions.

  1. What - do I want?

  2. When - do I want to get there?

  3. How - how am I going to get there?

Here’s an example of me breaking this down to start filling the Clarity Gap. Practice this with any part of your business or life. Do a thought experiment and speculate. Have fun with it.

What: I want a simple one-man “lifestyle” consulting business that operates within 15 hours a week and produces $70,000 per month in rev. 10 hours a week I spend creating (assets; external and internal) and 5 hours I spend serving clients. Pretty clear now I what I want. Clarity.

When you get here how does it feel? Is it an “ahh” or is it an “ick”? If it’s an “ahh that feels good” then move forward. If not then go again. More on this on #3.

When: I plan to be there by December 31st 2023. Clarity.

How: 20 monthly recurring group clients at $3500 each. That means I need to acquire 3 clients per month w/no turn over until December. That means I probably need 300 leads per month (assuming not a great conversion rate). I’ll probably spend $25 CPL for a CAC of $2500. Clarity.

Note: You can utilize this mental model for anything large or small. Want to scale your business, descale your business, close your business, sell your business, lose 10 pounds, buy a commercial property, etc?

Alright so here we are on closing the Clarity Gap:

  • $70,000/month in revenue working 15 hours a week

  • I’ll accomplish this by December 31st 2023

  • I’ll do this by adding 3 clients per month over the next 7 months

  • 300 leads with a 1% conversion rate should get me there

  • My cost will be $7500

  • That should net me $3000

Now I’m clear on what I want, when I’m getting there and how I’m getting there. If you’re not clear on any of these and can’t get clear by yourself you need to elicit the help of someone who knows what they’re doing.

Part of filling the Clarity Gap is having something to commit action too. That’s it. I need a direction to move towards so that I can move and not be stagnant.

Part of the priority of getting clarity is to get movement. For example, as I mentioned in 001 I’m testing outbound. We’ve sent just over a 100 messages and I don’t like how we’re doing it so we’re going to change it.

Lack clarity keeps us stuck or we’re going in circles.

Exercise: Thinking Time. Grab a notebook and pen. And go through the practice and questions above. Before you begin rate your clarity 1-10. 1 not clear and 10 very clear. Then after rate it again. Let me know how it goes!

Filling the Clarity Gap is just the starting point.

Next »

The Belief Gap

Now that I have clarity on what I want, when I want it and how I’ll get it. It’s really important to answer THIS question:

Do I BELIEVE it’s possible? yes, no or not sure?

Believing what you want is possible is important for taking action. Other wise you’ll be in a place of cognitive dissonance or you’ll be stuck.

Let’s break it down. Do I believe the following “clear picture” is possible?

  • $70,000/m? Yes

  • 15 hours a week? Yes

  • $3500 × 3/m? 3 clients, yes. Not sure on price.

  • 300 Leads/m x $25? Yes

  • By December? Not sure

  • 1% conversion rate? Yes

Pause: I’m getting greater clarity not only on “what I want” but my current belief system of “what I want”.

Currently my belief system isn’t solid.

In this scenario my “want” is $70,000 a month.

The “how” is uncertain. That’s okay.

I have two options if i’m not sure or it’s a no…

1. Talk to someone who’s done it
2. Validate it for myself

Or the third option, do both. Be guided by someone who’s done it. I need to validate the variables that are unique to me.

Just knowing where my “lack of belief” is feels empowering. I have clarity around my belief system and now I’m armed with the knowledge on what I need to find out.

The only thing I really need right now are the beliefs that will get me started in a direction. Movement. » 

  • 300 leads per month? Yes!

  • 1% conversion rate? Yes!

  • 15 hours? Not priority right now

  • December? Not priority right now

  • $70,000? Not priority right now

None of that will come unless I START... getting unstuck.

Are you picking up what I’m laying down?

If I BELIEVE my starting point. I’m good to go. That’s all I need right now. That will build momentum. We have enough belief to start. The other items on my list will get clearer as I MOVE. Because… I have this framework in my back pocket to go back to.

Knowing your BELIEF GAP will help you identify the stories you are telling yourself and how to weaponize those stories FOR YOU.

Truth: we are always telling ourselves stories. ALWAYS. Most often we are unaware of it.

Note: this framework will help extinguish imposter syndrome. Getting clarity on and admitting what you don’t know and what you might not be good at (yet) is powerful.

Exercise: Thinking Time. Write down your current beliefs about what you want (in detail). Do you believe it’s possible? Yes, no or not sure?

Next »

The Alignment Gap

If you’ve ever felt “at war” with what you want, what you're doing or how you’re doing it then you might have an Alignment Gap.

This also links to beliefs.

For example if you say you want to make $70,000/m but you think money is evil. You’re at war with yourself and you’re “out of alignment”.

To have alignment you need to have awareness. Awareness is a practice.

Identity and Values

These are the two to cornerstones to alignment.

Identify is who I am. Values are the principles I adhere to.

Misalignment comes when we’re acting in a way that is not in accordance to our identity or what we innately value. 

For example I am a good father and if I value being present with my kids when they get home from school and having dinner every night with the family yet I say I want a business that requires me to work 60 hours a week. I’m off.

Or if I’m a person who is integrious and therefore I value integrity yet I’m lying in my marketing. There’s misalignment.

If I’m a person who thinks all people are uniquely created and beautiful yet I talk down to someone for working at Starbucks. Misalignment.

If I’m a person who cares about people yet I’m writing copy selling a product that is terrible. Misalignment.

So right now, where do you have misalignment? Is that what your current Gap is?

Or, do you feel fully aligned in what you’re doing, where you’re going, who you’re working with or what you’re selling?

Here’s an alternate (but quick) view point: “Misalignment” could also be a scapegoat to having your ideologies go unchallenged. “I just don’t feel aligned with having to do any work.” You need to be challenged. haha.

That’s it for now.

Let me know how this hits by hitting reply. Thanks for everyone who’s responded so far.

Here’s to the overflow,


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