Finding Joy Now

Do You Have Arrival Fallacy?

Finding Joy Now

This morning I spent 3.5 hours with my other comrades-in-arms at the DMV waiting for that fateful number to finally be called.

Like the good and responsible American I am, I scheduled an appointment about a month and a half ago, I was early and still… STILL I couldn’t do anything about the disappointing situation I found myself in. Waiiiiting. It messed up my whole day.

Like a fool I thought i’d be in and out in an hour. Joke-is-on-me!

Pic of said comrades

The man at the desk said it should “only be about 30 minutes to an hour”. Hahaha… got. me. good.

30 minutes came and went, an hour, 2 - I’m thinking to myself at this point “I’m getting hangry should I door dash something?”

I have no rations. No sleeping bag. No water.

I persevered and made it through. When that glorious number-A148 was finally called there was a celebration as I proceeded to cubical 11.

I’m writing this because I think we have two choices in life situations.

Chasing Joy or Choosing Joy

We either choose joy or we don’t.

I realized that for years I was chasing something that was already presently available. Joy and peace.

This goes against the grain of pretty much everything we know because the pervasive message is “you lack”.

too fat, too short, too tall, too skinny
not enough money
house is too small
business is growing fast enough
yacht is too small

Anybody else feel that or is it just me?

When you feel lack in some area there is always anxiety, there is always a perceived gap.

Thinking that our situation or circumstances are never good enough then nothing will EVER be good enough.

Enter - anxiety, fear, stress, ______________.

Thinking that the next achievement, milestone or goal you achieve is finally going to be the thing that makes you feel great about yourself it’s only a fallacy.

As entrepreneurs we have the hardest time slowing down and seeing the value and abundance all around us that already exists.

We Have Arrival Fallacy

When we think the next achievement will finally be “it”.

It won’t. It never will.

It’s elusive. It’s a ghost.

You will never arrive. RATHER, it’s a choice.

Finding Joy, Abundance and Overflow Now

Are joy, abundance and overflow already available?

I think it’s all perspective. When my view point is

Lack, don’t have enough, not moving fast enough, etc

That’s what I’ll feel.

If my value system is based on speed, more-always, being some person (i’m not even aligned with) then there will always be a disparity. There will always be a sense of lack and not enough.

If I choose, however to SEE all the beautiful things that are present right now in my life, business, family, etc. DANG.

There is abundance all around me. Right now.

This doesn’t mean we won’t grow, push or achieve bigger things. I think it’s more about the place we’re choosing to operate from.

Are we operating from a place of overflow or lack, joy or misery.

Are we growing something to fill the hole in our soul or to love and serve with our gifts and skills?

I want to be open handed with life. I want to as the New Testament scholar, Paul said “content in all situations”.

Contentment (in any situation) is the secret to peace but not an excuse to “not step out on the water”.

Alright, friends - this my message for the week. Hopefully it hit for you. If it did hit me back and let me know. I love hearing from you guys.

Thanks for reading.


ps Need help with anything? Drop a reply.

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