GAP Framework (Part 2): Knowledge

Filling the Knowledge Gap

The Knowledge Gap

Identifying what’s keeping you stuck.

If you missed Part 1, check out last week’s email.

Today we’re talking only about The Knowledge Gap.

I felt like last week’s email was a bit a lot for one newsletter so I’m going to just cover The Knowledge Gap today.

The Knowledge Gap 

When you don’t know how to get where you want to go.

Let’s ask some clarifying questions to sort this out…

  1. Do I KNOW how to get to my destination?

    Often the first answer someone gives is a, Yes!

    But then when pressed for the how it’s crickets or figuring it out on the spot. Which means there’s a lack of clarity (gap) and knowledge.

    If that’s ever you keep reading »

  2. Do I KNOW the DETAILS of the HOW I’ll get there?

    If you can lay out exactly what your plan is (at least the important parts) you have part of the knowledge gap filled.

    At this point it’s theory if you haven’t yet “launched”, especially if you’ve never executed this path before. Even if you have been through it there are always new variables.

    If I can’t lay out in detail how i’ll get to $70,000/month in revenue — there’s a gap.

    If I want to go from working 40 hours a week to 20 keeping the same revenue and don’t have a plan laid out — there’s a gap.

    Specificity is a key factor in knowing if you have a knowledge gap at ANY part in the process you’re on.

    The Levels of Knowledge:

    Level 1: Learned
    Level 2: Experienced

    L1 you learned it somewhere: book, course, conference, etc
    L2 you executed and received data (knowledge) of what works and what doesn’t. First-hand account and higher conviction.

    Knowing what you need or don’t entirely depends on the importance of what you want.

    Here’s an example: If the importance of doing $X in revenue in the next 3 months is of high importance I need experienced knowledge. Do I own that experience? If not, the likelihood of me accomplishing that goal in 3 months is low.

    Here’s another example: If I want to launch new ads and test new messaging but its not of high importance or urgency I can rely on learned knowledge.

    Make sense? So know to start filling the gap his the goal high urgency and high importance? You want experienced. If not, you can gain the knowledge as you go.

  3. Filling the Knowledge Gap

    Here are the ways that you can fill the Knowledge Gap.

    Types of knowledge:

    1. Strategic knowledge - overall map on how i’m getting to the end
    2. Tactical knowledge - the road I’m taking to get there

    Strategic would be I’m going to run paid ads to get 300 leads per month to get to $70k/month in revenue

    Tactical would be I’m going to use a lead magnet to a FB group

    Ask yourself this: Do I lack strategic or tactical knowledge, or both?

    If I’m lacking the knowledge (I don’t have clear and specific plans) the next thing I need to identify what my SOURCE will be to fill the gap.

    Types of Sources:

    Information: book, course, podcast, etc
    People: an expert who has a proven track record of accomplishing what you want

    Level 1 knowledge? Go with information (generally speaking)

    Level 2 knowledge? Find someone who’s done it and they’re an expert.

    Hopefully that gives you some clarity on what to do next. If you want help with this shoot me a reply and let me know what’s going on!

Chat next week,


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