Don't worry about achievement

Consider this instead

Have you ever felt anxiety about not being where you want to be?

Welcome to the story of my life. 🙃 

I’ve hurried to achievement after achievement, thinking it would bring me peace. It didn’t.

Funny enough, I’ve found peace with the external achievement stripped away. Imagine that.

In my old age, I’ve realized achievement is NOT the game. It’s part of the game.

Progress is the game.

Who we’re becoming is the game.

There is no arrival.

Only evolving.

Only the development of our character.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.3

James 1:2-4

This is what I find fascinating about these verses. Part of “finding joy” is in who we become in the process. In that process, our development is so that we gain wisdom.

Feeling anxious about “being behind” is worrying about the future.

It’s living IN lack.

The flip side is that when we focus on the present, the process we’re in, and what is developing in us, we have the gift of seeing what we already have.

We live in a world that proclaims scarcity 24/7.

You’re not enough.
You don’t have enough.
You’re not fast enough.
You’re going to run out.
You’re behind.

Because of THIS, we live hurried and live from lack, or at least think we do.

It’s simply not true. Look all around at the abundance you’re currently experiencing.

We need to start rewiring this.

Here are three thoughts to move forward in peace:

  1. Focus on the present and what you have. 

    Stop worrying about where you’re not.

    Get out of the future and focus on today. Today has enough going on to worry about next week or next month.

    I’m not saying don’t be diligent to plan. Yes, do that, but focus on the steps in front of you.

  2. Start measuring the progress you’ve made.

    I was doing this this week as I was feeling the hurry. The internal track was running; “why are you behind, Chris?”

    When I stopped to take a look and write down all the beautiful things that have happened in my life, the growth I’ve experienced spiritually, emotionally, and in my family was an awesome realization.

    Regarding the business, if I look at the last two weeks, it doesn’t look “great.” Looking at the previous quarter, I’ve made a lot of progress.

  3. Record your progress.

    It’s easy to lose track of what we’ve done if we don’t track it.

    If you don’t track your progress, make a list of (from the last 3 - 6 months) everything you’ve done to progress your life and business forward.

    You’ll be shocked by the goodness.

Progress, especially when it’s difficult, is beautiful. You’re being developed. There’s not much better than that. Wisdom is better than gold. ;)

Who are you becoming?

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In your corner,


I hope you have a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas with your family.

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