Feel overwhelmed?

Stop normalizing chaos

We have normalized chaos.

Overwhelm is no longer the exception. It has become the rule. All for the “chase.” The higher highs.

I spoke with a client the other day, working through some things. This client just hit their biggest revenue month, and they were elated! For about 24 hours.

Then, the “crash.”

Why? We expect that the next goal or “high” will be the thing that will fill us.

It won’t.

We have a fallacy that we’ll finally “arrive at the next level.”

We’ll feel successful.
We’ll feel safe.
We’ll feel secure.
We’ll feel worthy.
We’ll feel ________.

Yet, it never comes, so the chase ensues.

Chaos is created from incessant chasing.

We think more is the answer, so we take on more—all the while, we lose all “margin” in our lives.

Margin isn’t just what’s on the bottom line of your P&L on the last day of the month. It’s also the amount of time you have, emotional capacity, resilience, and critical decision-making abilities.

If you’re unhappy with where you are now, more money and a more prominent business won’t change that.

I’m not saying those things shouldn’t happen. I’m saying that if it’s not done with purpose and clarity, it can be dangerous.

It’s easy to build a business that owns you.

That’s why…

Clarity and Alignment MUST become a constraint.

A constraint is a process you create for intentional growth.

Here are questions to ask:

Why do I want more?
If I do it, what will it require of me?
Is this in alignment with my values?
Will it give peace or take peace?

Desire is a fantastic mechanism unless it’s undisciplined. Jim Collins calls it the “undisciplined pursuit of more,” the first stage in a business (or person) crashing.

Desire leads us to essential outcomes: eating, sleeping, love, building, etc. A glass of wine is lovely. Three bottles? Not so much.

Undisciplined pursuit (desire) is unnecessary consumption (desire for more). Our growth must have an intentional purpose, or we will fall into chaos. Chaos is a priority problem.

Do you feel like you have more chaos than clarity? Continue reading.

Here’s what chaos can look like:

Feeling like you can’t unplug
Having to always be on
Feelings of overwhelm
Little time for yourself

Adding more to that isn’t the solution. Chaos starts internally. Our business and life will reflect our internal state.

The invitation today is life-changing. It’s peace and joy.

Here is how to get more clarity if you feel overwhelmed or in chaos:

1. Step back and take stock of your life and business.

What isn’t working? What (or who) is sucking the life out of you? What’s reducing your margin?

Auditing what we’re doing and why is a critical practice.

Tip: be brutally honest with yourself. Doing this with a therapist is a coach or mentor.

This leads to…

2. Prune what isn’t necessary.

Now that you’ve identified what isn’t working, cut it.

The point of this email isn’t to shame you. If any of these resonates with you, I hope it will help you create more clarity and peace.

3. Practice silence and solitude.

I created a lot of external chaos to distract me from my internal chaos. This is common among entrepreneurs.

“Noise” is always having something “on.” TV, music, podcasts, conversations, digital, or anything else to distract us. It’s usually a subconscious action to distract ourselves.

I lived for years in chaos and noise. I now practice silence and solitude daily.

The ability to sit alone with their thoughts for an extended period is a gift buried in the graveyard of the modern-day period, which is a loss of life.

Silence and solitude can be a 10-minute daily practice. The more I do it, the more my soul craves it.

If practicing silence and solitude scares you, it’s okay…. let’s talk about #4.

4. Plan and prioritize.

Much of our chaos and feeling of being overwhelmed comes from needing to plan appropriately. We’re always playing catch-up, and we have endless open loops.

Plan your next quarter and prioritize your time accordingly.

Here’s what this looks like:

  1. What do I want to accomplish this quarter?

  2. Is this going to move me closer to my yearly goal?

  3. Write a list of everything that needs to happen to achieve that goal.

  4. With your current time and resources, do you have the ability to accomplish that goal realistically?

  5. If so, create a project and schedule that project with due dates.

  6. Now, measure your progress every week with your list.

  7. Don’t do the things that aren’t on that list.

The majority of what we do should be preplanned.

Proactive vs. reactive…

Is most of my life and business in a state of being reactive or proactive? That’s an excellent question to ask.

80% should be proactive. 20% reactive. That’s a good rule of thumb. If you find yourself flipped, let’s connect (link below).

Chaos and clarity are opposing forces. More clarity will make you feel more confident about your actions and where you’re going.

Normalize calm and clarity; you’ll be more successful than the gurus you see online.

#5. Be kind to yourself

It’s okay. Take a deep breath. You have a lot going on. You’re a sovereign individual with the power to change things. It’s one step at a time. Don’t whip yourself because that won’t help.

Chaos no longer has to be the norm.

You can build and operate from peace, joy, and contentment. This is the way.

With much love,


BTW speaking of silence and solitude, I’m taking three days in the mountains next week to be alone and practice silence. It's the first time, and I’m excited.


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