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The Future Belongs to Agile Businesses

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The Thought: I’ve had 7 and 8 figure businesses. I’ve had massive teams and infrastructure. I’ve had massive amounts of revenue. Nothing inherently wrong with those things. But I think the future belongs to “agile” businesses.

What do I believe an agile business is and why it’s calling (all of us)?

  1. “Brand of One” - a value-first creator or group of creators that contribute from their unique experience and perspective in business and life to progress others forward.

  2. Leverage - great service and great business doesn’t need tremendous resources to operate anymore. With tech the ability to grow audiences I think great businesses can operate on much less infrastructure.

  3. Community - people who are focused on building community will have longevity. This is the game.

  4. Innovative - innovation to me is the ability to see where the market is going and meet it there. Innovation to me is the ability to let go of old ways of doing things and connect new ways of doing things.

  5. Margin - people who steward their margin well. Time, energy, resources, emotions, and money.

More thoughts below…

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This week is a big week for me. I’m working to settle to really important legal issues (i’ll talk more about later so stay tuned). So keep me in your thoughts prayers! 🙏 

3 Contributors to Long Term Success

This comes from Jim Collins one of my favorite business authors. From his decades in research they’ve found there are 3 primary contributors to longevity in business.

Answer these 3 questions:

  1. What are you deeply passionate about?

  2. What can you be best in the world at?

  3. What drives your economic engine?

After my “successful” run in business I’m interested in longevity, peace, enjoyment and service. Of course I want to make money as well. Can that come as a by product of the above? I believe so.

Two lessons to take from me today that will help you scale happiness.

Lesson #1 - Don’t Chase Opportunity Just Because It’s There

Instead: Unearth your mission, curiosities and passions because I believe that’s part of your calling on this earth. What are you natural at that almost feels easy? Where is your desire leading you? Lean into that. Chase your purpose.

Establish your financial baseline as fast as possible and then lean into the thing that brings you alive. Pull that thread and be consistent with that thing for years to come.

Wealth isn’t one dimensional. We often think it is.

Wealth IS joy.
Wealth IS peace.
Wealth IS fulfillment.
Wealth IS contentment.
Wealth IS service.
Wealth IS gratitude.
Wealth IS self-love.
Wealth IS time with your family.

See what I’m saying?

I spent SO much time focusing on thinking wealth was money. It’s not. It’s just an aspect. When you find what gives you life and joy with your work… my friend, that’s the path. Money will come.

Passion + Skill (#1 and #2 above) is “calling” and in today’s world probably a lot of people need that from you. Which brings us to #3, money. When money is a byproduct of what you love.. OMG.

Before it was the first thing which is part of why I burnt out. Now I’m learning to unearth and rest in my purpose.

Lesson #2 - Stop Thinking Your Behind

You’re not behind. Being “behind” is a construct we make up because we compare ourselves to others. When millionaires and billionaires feel “behind” you know there’s a problem. 

Instead, ask this question: if money or material things weren’t in my consideration what would I do? How would I feel? When you mentally remove the things that cause anxiety (hurry to some destination) there might be peace to be had.

I understand the practical necessities. But allowing our “goals” to rule over us isn’t a great process.

Us entrepreneurs usually run SO FAST because we THINK WE’RE BEHIND. We think these things will bring us to a place that will make use feel worthy and worth love. They never will.

When you’re able to find the 3 (above) you’re wealthier than most of the “wealthy” people out there. A bonus #4 - your “thing” is of service to the world.

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I could write many more lessons but today I’m going to leave it here.

The future belongs to people who are doing what they’re skilled at and passionate about who don’t need to “scale to the moon” because they’re “wealthy” today and KNOW IT.

Having an agile business isn’t just about model it’s also about calling. What were you put on this earth to steward?

This is the journey we’re on together my friend. Let me know if you have any questions or if this resonates. I’ve got so much more to say on this topic.

Don’t wait for some distant accomplishment before you allow yourself to feel joy and happiness. That’s all internal which means it’s readily and abundantly available now. 💙 

Hopefully this will spark some great internal dialogue for you!

Until next time,


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