Are you a good steward?

Do you know your purpose?

You Have a Kingdom.

You have a domain that you rule.

Are you a good steward of your kingdom?

Stewardship: "The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care."

Everything that we have is a gift given by God.

A gift is something we can either take care of and share with others or disregard and not value.

Through my wins and losses, I've been thinking a lot about stewardship and purpose.

My experience has shown that when life is "all about," Chris Evans isn't very fulfilling. It's woven into the fabric of humanity.

It can be downright miserable, tbh. This should go without saying that yes, I should take care of myself. That's not what I'm talking about here. I suppose it's the difference between self-care and love versus self-centeredness.

There's something in us that wants to contribute to the well-being of fellow humans.

We discover our purpose in what we have to steward. Our contribution.

The proof that you have a purpose that's beautiful on this earth is that you have desire.

Purpose starts with desire.

Then follows with curiosity, "What if..."

Then action to "pull threads" and experiment.

Where society has screwed up is when we try to elevate ourselves above others (gain status). We get greedy and take rather than give.

So what have you been given to steward? What are your gifts and natural leanings and propensity?

I bet that's where your "calling" is. It's up to you to unearth and cultivate that thing.

Here are 3 things in "our kingdom" to cultivate:

1. Ourselves

- health (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, etc.)
- wealth (not just money)
- gifts/skills
- our work

2. Our families

- marriage
- kids

3. Our contribution

- How we help others is by becoming competent with our skills. Imagine if a doctor didn't go to doctor school. Then they're in residency for a long time. Becoming competent.

We develop our competency by doing.

Desire > Explore curiosity > Experiment (RISK) > Cultivate > Contribute

Purpose is in every part of this process.

The more we go through this process, the better we get. We develop skills beneficial for humans. Where we can lack purpose is not growing through resistance to the above process.

How do we become good stewards?

Identify what we have that needs to be "taken care of" and take care of it.

I've found money, status, and accomplishments can become quite empty when it's all about me. Having my needs met, my family healthy, and the ability to fish is pretty great. When it boils down to it, there isn’t much I need. Contentment is a powerful thing.

Outside of that, what else do I actually need?

What if, instead, I develop those skills to move others forward?

This doesn't mean that I won't I won't have wealth, or that wealth is bad. In Deuteronomy (8), God told the Israelites, "...I give you the power to get wealth..."

I think wealth is something for us to steward. BTW, if you’re reading this, you’re wealthy. ;)

Some things to think about. 🧠 ♥️ 


P.S. I have a few openings for coaching sessions this month. Want help growing your business and figuring out your “compass?”. Book a private, 60-minute session with me to get your custom growth plan and next steps - 1:1 with me. 🔥

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