Heart broken

“Illit is being called up to war.”

That’s the message I received from Jim (on Monday).

5 pm on Saturday…

I fired my phone back up. We were just coming off 24 hrs of our family sabbath.

I was shocked to see the news: ISRAEL Under Attack!

Seeing the atrocities, innocent women and children, and the elderly brutalized and murdered brought a heaviness I haven’t felt (maybe ever).

This war isn’t about “occupation” it’s about obliteration.

Israel holds a special place in my heart. I’ve been all over the world, and Israel is something special.

Jim is a friend whom I’ve known for over 20 years.

He’s an American who’s married to an Israeli. Because of the devastating attack on Israel, they’ve called up thousands of reserves to fight. His daughter is about Liberty’s age, 19 (my daughter), and she’s going to war. 😭 

When he sent me that message… I felt it deeply. I can put myself in his shoes. I can’t imagine it. I don’t want to imagine it.

I’ve been in contact with several friends and clients in Israel. It’s brutal.

Why am I writing about this this week?

I wanted to dedicate this week’s email to the remembrance of all the innocent lives that have been and will be lost.

And to share these two points:

1. Perspective

It’s easy to lose sight of the most important things in our lives.

It’s not uncommon for me to look at my problems at whatever level they are and think it’s the worst thing in the world. Truth is, it’s not.

My family is safe and healthy. My daughter is NOT going to war. There’s so much to be grateful for.

However, things are going on around us that aren’t okay, whether it’s the war in Israel or Ukraine, human trafficking, down-the-street abuse, someone close to you being mistreated, etc. If you’re reading this, you are a leader, and you can bring change. You can bring a rightness, even if it’s “small.”

I want to be part of the good: hope, light, resource, and help when and where I can. This email is an attempt to do that. Any small part is A part.

It’s also a reminder that the important things in life aren’t what we do or can own rather, it’s the people we love most.

2. Attention and help

People in Israel are really in need. Many of them have been evacuated from their homes, and they need basic things to live.

If you’d like to contribute to those suffering and in need, below are two organizations run by dear friends of mine that I fully trust and have sent my personal money to.

Here are the links:

Maoz Israel

Together for Israel (select “war in Israel”)

I’m for the innocent. I’m for the weak. I’m for the hurting. I’m for the broken.




or to participate.