I'm from your future

A letter from the heart

I’m from your future, and I have a simple message.

Keep going.
Keep moving.
March forward.

At this moment, you might want to quit. You might want to give up. You might ask yourself, “What the hell am I doing?”

Or things aren’t quite working out how you thought they would.

Keep going.

You might feel isolated or lonely. You might feel like nobody understands you.

I do. 

And I’m telling you to keep moving.

You might feel like you're faltering or slipping, but I know how it turns out. And it’s good.

But I need you to keep moving. Don’t worry about how pretty it looks.

It’s going to be messy. It’s never going to be perfect.

Just keep marching forward.

It might just be a crawl. It might be painful.

Move onward.
Take one more step. Or crawl.

You might feel like you don’t have it all figured out or want to know how it will all work out.

I understand that. That’s not what you need right now.

What you need is to keep moving.

Don’t worry about what happened last week, month, or year. That’s over.

Don’t worry about tomorrow. Don’t worry about next week.

Do the thing right in front of you today.

It might be a small step. But it’s a step. And that matters.

You might not feel good. You might feel hopeless. You might feel tired. That’s okay.

Just a little bit further.

That next step might feel scary or dangerous. It’s okay.

You can take it slowly, but make sure you take it.

You might not understand right now, and that’s perfectly okay.

Don’t judge yourself or criticize yourself. That’s not what you need.

I love you. And that’s what matters.


Your future self


I felt inspired to share this letter. It’s a letter from your future self.

In the ups or downs, perspective is critical. If you feel down, imagine yourself in the future, and things work out. Then read this letter.

May you find joy, hope, and peace today!

Much love,


P.S. When you’re ready and want my help with your business and life, hit me up here.

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