Is this your biggest trap...

An alternative value system

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Missy and I sat down for dinner with our close friends.

As the appetizers hit the tableā€¦ my friend Scott asked the questionā€¦

ā€œSo, Chris, what would you rate this year?ā€

I tilted my head to think, taking a bite of tasty sourdough bread.

It was the end of my biggest year yet as an entrepreneur.

More money.
Higher status.
Crazy momentum in all the businesses.

Just about anything and everything you could dream of as an entrepreneur.

I was experiencing it.

The words spilled out of my mouthā€¦

ā€œUm, Iā€™d probably give a 3 or 4 out of 10.ā€

Everybody at the table kind of shook their head at the insanity I uttered.

The Trap of Never Enough

Sound familiar?

Looking back at my rise (and fall), I noticed that I live in a cycle and like many other entrepreneurs, itā€™s the trap of ā€œnever enough.ā€

  • The constant pursuit of more

  • Lack of contentment despite

  • Peace and joy are nowhere to be found

  • Feeling like achievements are never enough

  • Ruled by the desire to acquire as much as possible as fast as possible

Breaking Free from Entrepreneurial Slavery

Many of us unknowingly adhere to a value system that keeps us trapped:

  • Always striving for more

  • Pushing for faster growth

  • Aiming for higher highs

  • Constant consumption

This mindset can lead to a form of slavery:

  • Slavery to others' opinions

  • Slavery to false identities

  • Slavery to the never-ending rat race

Let me propose an alternativeā€¦ Stewardship

What if there was a different way? Enter the concept of stewardship.

What is a Good Steward?

A good steward:

  1. Recognizes everything as a gift

  2. Operates from abundance, not scarcity

  3. Prioritizes giving and serving others

  4. Lives intentionally and without hurry

  5. Cultivates personal and familial health

  6. Embraces courage over fear

  7. Finds joy in nurturing and growth

The Benefits of Stewardship

By adopting a stewardship mindset, entrepreneurs can experience:

  • True freedom from the endless pursuit of more

  • Profound abundance and contentment

  • The ability to care for and nurture what they have

  • Opportunities to pour into others

  • Peace and joy in their journey

Practical Steps Towards Good Stewardship

  1. Shift your perspective: View your resources as gifts rather than possessions.

  2. Practice gratitude: Regularly acknowledge what you already have.

  3. Prioritize giving: Look for opportunities to serve and support others.

  4. Cultivate patience: Embrace the idea that good things take time.

  5. Create margin: Build space in your life for rest and reflection.

  6. Invest in relationships: Nurture connections with family, friends, and community.

The Journey to Becoming a Good Steward

Transitioning to a stewardship mindset isn't always easy, but the rewards are immense. As you begin to embrace this new approach, you may find:

  • Increased levels of peace and contentment

  • A renewed sense of purpose in your entrepreneurial journey

  • More meaningful connections with those around you

  • A sustainable approach to growth and success

Remember, being a good steward doesn't mean being perfect.

It's about making a conscious choice to approach your life and business with intention, gratitude, and a focus on serving others.

A New Path Forward

As entrepreneurs, we have the power to redefine what success looks like.

By embracing stewardship, we can break free from the never-ending cycle of more and find true fulfillment in our journey.

A soul with holes never finds ā€œsuccess.ā€

Success is always an internal game before an external one.

This is the journey Iā€™m on. Wanna join?

Much love,


p.s. Have you read my new book yet? Grab it here for .99 on Kindle.

p.s.s. Iā€™m not currently taking clients. If you want to get on my waitlist, please reply to this email.

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