Jacked up Biology

Health is wealth

The Biology Gap

When your body can’t take you where you want to go.

“Your estrogen is <.5 and I’d like you at 40. Also, your testosterone is really low. It makes a lot of sense why you don’t FEEL good.”

Thats what the hormone doctor told me last fall after I had extensive blood work done.

My biological levels were really jacked up. It wasn’t good and I felt it. I haven’t felt as bad as that my whole life.

Important chemicals in my body that contribute to positive feelings and emotions, mental clarity and confidence were at a deficit.

I could have all the other gaps filled but having biology being at a deficit is like swimming up river. Hard.

I pushed my body to the point of breaking. When I left the business in June 2022 it was so bad I could barely tolerate a 45 min meeting on zoom.

Emotions have a massive effect on our body. Think about when you carry anxiety, stress, fear, worry or maybe depression? It taxes the body.

Getting awareness on these things and confronting them head on is one of the best things we can do for our biology.

Take it from me, but I’m by-no-stretch-of-the-imagination a pro at this. I’m figuring a lot out mostly from crashing and burning. 😁 

I know many people are hurting and they’re not sure what to do with it so hopefully this will be a nudge for us to take a little bit better care of ourselves. Holistically.

I’m going to give you a couple things to consider in helping with biology. Things that I’ve implemented that are helping me to get better and better.

  1. Therapy

  2. Routines

  3. Rhythm of rest

#1 Therapy or some form of emotional processing is one of the best things I think someone can do for themselves, family and their business.

Over the last year I’ve learned how much emotional weight I’ve carried around (for years). The reason I’m talking about emotions with biology is because of the toll emotions take on the body.

Growing up processing and stirring around your emotions with a therapist meant you had major issues. It was taboo. Best thing to do? Sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away.

Found out, that doesn’t work.

Processing the negative or positive things going on with a paid professional is very beneficial for our biology. Emotions require energy.

I think everybody needs therapy. It’s a good practice especially for an entrepreneur.

Think about it.

#2 Routine that is consistent is a big piece to healthy biology and I’m just going to throw a blanket here with this one.

As I’ve been in the process of repairing my levels I’ve been on a stack of several supplements prescribed by my doctor. Last time we got blood work done a couple months ago he was really happy with the improvements.

My daily routine:

Sauna/Cold plunge/Red light therapy
Family time

In this season i’ve focused a lot on sleep. I probably sleep anywhere from 8 to 9 hours a night.

I work out almost every day. 2 days a week with an in-house trainer and the rest by myself with a mix of lifting + cardio.

I sauna about 6 days a week and my cold plunge + red light therapy is several times a week (I think this has been a big contributing factor to me not being sick in a long time).

I also read scripture, pray and journal every single day… pretty much without fail. Our spiritual and emotional being have a big impact on our biology so I think it must be a priority. When I was running and gunning it wasn’t and I felt the cost of it.

Part of my routine is set up to lean in to the emotions and practice awareness of how I’m feeling.

On a weekly basis my doctor has me on a pretty solid supplement routine. If you want to know what I’m taking feel free to hit reply and I’m happy to share.

Focusing on getting my levels back to a good place, a lot of sleep and my emotional + mental well being has really helped my physical well being.

Another thing I’ve reduced a lot of is my alcohol intake. I only have 2 cocktails a night instead of 3. jkjk. I’ve drastically reduced my alcohol consumption. I might drink once a month on average.

We all have routines. They’re either intentional or they’re not.

Questions to consider to audit your daily routines:

  • Did I have intentional time in the morning for margin?

  • Did I journal?

  • Did I meditate or pray?

  • Did I fill myself up with wisdom? (I read and contemplate the Psalms and Proverbs almost everyday)

  • Did I get the sleep I need?

  • Did I drink enough water?

  • Did I eat well?

  • Did I take supplements?

  • Did I work out?

  • Did I limit my social media intake?

  • Did I do something to stress the body physically? (sauna, cold shower, etc)

  • Did I track my routines?

My goal is to not add things to your plate but to give you ideas on what my be helpful in experimenting with.

#3 Rhythms of rest is an undervalued asset for entrepreneurs.

Recently when I was at a mastermind I talked about the greatest things I’ve done in the last year is rested and focused on my family.

The. place. went. nuts.

REST?! What? How? When? Why? 🤣 🙃 

It’s sad how much we as entrepreneurs feel like we can’t rest. The eruption of that room is a great case study of what I’m talking about. It seemed so foreign… the idea of taking time to rest that people were losing their minds.

One of the greatest things I believe you can do for your biology, your soul, your mind and everything else is take a full 24 hours a day off.

Rhythms of rest must be a practice and discipline.

Having rhythms of rest allows for margin. We live in a margin-less world.

Turn off your phone or at the very least get off social media (but try and get off your phone) for 24 hours. Read a book, go on a walk. Eat great food, have sex with your spouse, drink a nice espresso.

Giving your body space to disconnect, express gratitude and be with your family is truly one of the greatest and unopened gifts we carry around.

If the thought of it makes you worry or gives you anxiety then that’s a sign you need it.

There are plenty of people telling you to hustle and push. I’m telling you to take a day a week where you pause, exhale and let the world run by you.

It will be really really good for your soul which in turn will be GREAT for your biology.

“Slow” isn’t in my nature but my soul has been tired for a long time. It’s an adjustment to value the whole person rather than “Chris that makes money and goes fast”. I’d bet I’m not the only one.

Are you tired, weary or worn out?

Rest, my friend. Not just your body but also your soul. You don’t have to run other people’s races. You don’t have to “keep up”. You’re not behind.

This is all I want to say about this today.

To the Overflow,


p.s. If you have any topics you want me to write about reply and let me know what your biggest challenge is and I’ll see if I can help you (and everybody else) via the newsletter.

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