Do You Know What Happened in AZ?

It's time!

I’m 30,000-something miles in the air on my way to Scottsdale, AZ.

I regret my decision to eat airplane chicken parm and pasta. What was I thinking?

YOLO-am-I-right? 😆 

Anyways… I’m headed out for the official launch party of The Joy of Failure! It’s the book I wrote with my co-author, Julia McCoy.

We’ll be doing a book signing and Q&A panel tonight.


Okay, I wanted to finish this email on the plane.

But, the plane internet was about as stable as my mental health in burnout.

I’m back in Charlotte, recovering from the whirlwind trip. I have an excellent espresso in hand and am excited to share with you what happened in AZ.

It was awesome.

People from all walks of life showed up to hear about THE joy in failure.

I knew the people that needed to be there would be there.

A lady came straight from the hospital to meet us and get a copy of the book for her and her husband. She said, "You don’t know what I went through last year, but I NEED this.”

Someone who was starting his second life after drug and alcohol addiction — needed this book so much.

He told me that. “I’m starting a second life, and I need this.”

Another lady appeared because she thought she would meet “the actor” Chris Evans.

She might have been disappointed, but she did say I looked like him.

That’s a win, I guess? 😂 

But she brought her daughter, who said, “I need this book. Life has been hard; I’m 43 and living with my mom again. I feel like a big failure.”


Another put-together lady walked up to me, “I lost a $90,000,000 company.”

Looking from the outside, I never would have guessed the grief she was experiencing. It seemed like having someone to relate to was essential for her, too.

Here are a few pics from the night.

Failure comes in all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t care who you are.

One thing failure is very good at doing-ISOLATING people.

That is a common thing we heard that night. “I feel alone.”

Instead of feeling shame, which separates us from others, we should let it bring us closer to others.

That’s part of what Julia and I want this book to do.

Grab the book if you or someone you know has been through challenges.

Then, could you leave an honest review on Amazon?

I would very much appreciate it!

Much love,



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