Learning In Public

My new adventure

Issue 001 - Time to Learn in Public

Dear friend,

I’m known for starting and growing a few large online coaching and consulting businesses.

I was consumed by growth, moving fast and hitting higher highs.

[By the way if you missed it this is actually me - Chris Evans writing this. This is straight from my heart and head to your inbox]

Nothing was EVER good enough for me and then ultimately it broke me.

I still love growth and scale and all those things but it it’s different it’s gotta good and healthy.

But those days are behind me and I’m moving on to a new beginning and a new season with a whole bunch of wisdom to share with the world (part of why I’m writing this newsletter).

I’m building a business that has greater:

  • margin

  • purpose

  • boundaries

  • intention

  • fun

  • enjoyment

  • impact

Even though I have a lot of experience in the online game a lot is new (maybe again) and my old pattern was to be a perfectionist. People have told me my super power is thinking well and strategy.

That also means it’s my weakness.

I can go really internal and want it to be perfect before I do the thing or communicate about it.

That doesn’t serve me (or you) well and thus I’m becoming committed to “learning in public”.

So why this email newsletter?

As I’ve tried to hide, not wanting people to see my imposter, judge me, hate me, cuss me and all the nonsense that keeps us stuck - I figured I’ll flip it and open up about most all my journey (except the real awkward weird things-you’re safe). 😂

I value internal growth and it would be easy for me to build in secret without the risk of people seeing my shortcomings, but that won’t ultimately serve myself or my people.

So with this newsletter (which I plan to send weekly) my goal is to…

  • Sharpen my ideas, concepts and frameworks

  • Give value about what’s working and what’s not on my journey

  • Share my wisdom from scaling businesses (and failing businesses)

  • Share meaningful thoughts and wisdom about life, family and faith

  • Anything else that could benefit me writing about and thus benefit you

I don’t have a theme for this newsletter (yet).

Honestly, I wanted to wait until I had it perfect (which has been my pattern). This first email might be janky but I’m shipping.

“Learning in public” is all about “shipping it” and not caring what people think because it’s all wonder, joy, experimentation and getting better.

For example: I’m testing outbound which is hilarious for an “inbound” guy. It’s an interesting experience but I’ll share more on that later in a future issue as I have more results to report back.

No more waiting, no more perfection-in-secret. I’m going to try things and be okay with it being messy and tune it as I go. It feels freeing even writing that out.

Hopefully you’ll find value in it and be down for the journey. If not, no worries.

So real quick before I wrap this up here is what I’m working towards…

  • The Collective: building my mastermind growth community for building semi-passive businesses (more on that later)

  • 80/20 for Businesses: serving businesses with one-off deep dive into their business that helps them get to where the want the best way possible

  • Partner Clients: Becoming a partner in businesses that I can help guide and grow and really enjoy the process

That’s it for now. Thanks for allowing me to throw paint on my canvas.

Cheering you on,


p.s. If you have anything you’d like me to write about hit reply and let me know. Or just let me know your thoughts about this. Would love to hear from you.

p.s.s If you’re lacking clarity on what’s next for you and your business or feel like you’re spinning your wheels, overwhelmed reply and let’s chat about it!


or to participate.