These Lessons Could Save You! (18)

I paid a lot for these

When you receive this email, I’ll be deep in the NC mountains on some river chasing wild rainbow trout.

Two years ago, I told my dad I’d take him to one of my favorite places I find silence and solitude.

Unfortunately, he had a health scare and ended up in the hospital for 30 days, preceded by a long road to recovery.

Fortunately, he’s better, and now is the time to get him up there and on some fish.

I wanted to share with you 18 lessons that, if taken to heart, can guide you well.

  1. Don't Rush

I've hurried my whole life, resulting in colossal burnout trying to chase the next big business move.

Acknowledging I have limits and going the right pace for my season of life is correlated with the ability to go far.

F1 cars go the fastest, but they don't last long.

  1. Separate Identity From Your Business

Seeking my worth and value in business is a mistake. It ties my innate value and worth to something not in my control.

  1. Contentment is Important

I've made millions and know multiple millionaires, and the one thing they often lack is contentment. Contentment is an antidote to anxiety and depression about what I haven't accomplished yet.

  1. Know What Success Means to Me

One of the quickest ways to be unhappy is chasing success defined by others versus living by how I define success.

  1. Define My Values

Values are internal guides to keep me aligned.

Operating from my pre-determined values will help me stay consciously, morally, and spiritually aligned.

When your actions align with your values, you can feel good about your activities.

Feeling good about what you're doing is vital for longevity.

  1. Quick Wealth Is Fleeting

"Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers gradually will increase it." "Fast Money" can be dangerous.

It can deceive you into thinking it will always be there and you're a god among men.

  1. Optimize for Anti-fragility, NOT Comfort

Comfort = atrophy. Atrophy is a weakness.

We live in a society that highly values and elevates comfort.

Consistently doing difficult things makes me resilient, allowing me to adapt to any situation in life or business.

  1. Self-Awareness is Critical

Knowing myself is the first step to peace and joy.

Self-awareness allows me to care for myself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Self-awareness is a prerequisite for self-love.

  1. Value Rhythms of Rest

It's mature and healthy to realize the limitations of my mind, body, and emotions. Rest should be a rhythm in my life. Disconnect and reset.

  1. Create Rules For Investing

Keeping money is more challenging than making money. Therefore, having preset rules by which I invest is vital in making the best decision from a place of logic and wisdom vs. emotion and ignorance. Spread it around.

  1. Saying No Is Healthy

Sustainability and longevity in business require you to say no to things that don't align with your values.

  1. You Can Never Get Time Back

The one thing I can never get back is time.

Being present with my family now and being grateful for where I am is the start of living from a place of joy, peace, and happiness.

Wanting more for the sake of more isn't a wise way to live because I'll easily miss out on the most important people and parts of life.

  1. Set Better Boundaries Around Growth

Burnout is inevitable without boundaries.

As an entrepreneur, I need a "governor" to keep me from going too far too fast.

  1. Build A "Personal Board of Directors"

There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors.

Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, recommends creating a personal board of directors that you can turn to for guidance, wisdom, and help in decision-making.

The key is to engage with people who know you and who are not financially incentivized by the decisions you make

  1. Money Has Diminishing Returns

The diminishing returns of money are when the funds increase, but the benefit doesn't.

Instead of always focusing on more money, focus on being a better steward, giver, and things that bring you fulfillment.

  1. The Right Consistent Action Over Time Wins

Doing the right thing consistently over a long period is king. Being able to do something you enjoy over a long period is the game.

Make incremental gains consistently over time, and you'll win.

  1. Don't Compare Your Journey To Others

Comparing is the thief of joy. If I want to make ongoing progress, I can't focus on what others are doing.

Their journey is different from mine. What we see on social is hardly the truth.

  1. Focus on Building Systems, Not Accomplishing Goals

As an ambitious entrepreneur, my goals moved non-stop. I'd accomplish a goal thinking it would bring lasting happiness, but it didn't. Instead, as James Clear says, "If you want better results, forget about goals and focus on systems instead."

Which one of these lessons hits for you? Reply, and let me know!

Here’s to learning lessons and catch’n fish,


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