I sold my mansion

This might piss you off

I just walked out of the attorney’s office.

I signed the paperwork.


I sold my mansion.

It’s surreal. I worked hard for this place.

All ten thousand square feet in a gated community. Pretty much everything you could want.


But… why?

First, let’s rewind…. Missy and I sat in the hot tub in early March with the kids on a beautiful, chilly Friday night. “Kids, what would you think about selling the house?”

It’s something I had been thinking about for a while. It started to become a burden.

I was surprised by their positive, “Yeah, let’s do it!”

Owning a house like ours has a certain status, comfort, and conveniences. They all have ensuite bedrooms. There’s an incredible gym loaded with the best Rogue equipment, sauna, and cold plunge. We have a beautiful backyard with a pool. We have all the amenities.

The reason I’m telling you?

“Old Chris” needed that place.
“New Chris” doesn’t.

One of the most incredible senses of freedom I’ve experienced… is to let go of the status symbol.

The odd thing is… that what I thought would make me something became a burden. “Success” often weighs us down rather than lifts us.

It’s upside down.

”The more you have, the more you are occupied, the less you give. But the less you have, the more free you are.”

- Mother Teresa

On this wild and crazy journey, I’ve found true freedom. It’s been a hard-fought battle, but feeling crushing defeat has been one of the greatest blessings I’ve been given.

True freedom is never external. It’s always internal, first.

It’s how you see yourself and perceive yourself.

Like most entrepreneurs, I needed the stuff…


We aren’t free because we have time, money, assets, or passive income. While those things might be great, “freedom” does not inherently come with them.

This is hard but true.

Don’t keep reading unless you want the hard truth. I’m slaughtering sacred cows.





What if the gurus you follow and look up to aren’t free?

They might be…

But what if they aren’t?

What if so much of what they’re pursuing is because they’re not free?

They need the approval of others.
They want to be loved and accepted.
They always need to attain another level.

A soul that can’t find rest is a weary soul that needs freedom.

Bondage and slavery are thinking that the next thing will finally make you somebody.

This isn’t a blanket idea. It is common.

This question I’ve gotten a lot of:

“Chris, you now have this view because you have achieved these amazing things, but what about someone who hasn’t?”

How do we refrain from the constant pursuit of hitting a goal that’s always moving?

Here’s my answer:

Has any level of success you’ve achieved left you satisfied?

I’m going out on a limb and saying no.

Therefore, you’ve ‘experienced” what I’m talking about.

When internally satisfied, external things are merely bonuses and gifts to share.

Realizing I already have everything I need has been the path to freedom. 

It’s allowed me to let go of the things that don’t serve me (weigh me down).

This applies to anything: Businesses, relationships, assets, stuff, and things.

Less financial responsibility gives me more capacity to explore purpose, mission, and enjoyment… and fish.

Note: having less financial burden is not THE ticket to freedom. It is A ticket. When we find internal healing, we’ll find freedom.

I imagine I’ve pissed some people off at this point and already have the unsubs racking up.

But stick with me for a sec…

I’m not anti these things!

Here is the summary:

Live Rich Now.

No mansion or jet is required. How?

Focus on and do what gives you life. Orient your life around that. Check out last week’s email on purpose.

Freedom Is Internal, First.

Run Your Race.

Don’t compare yourself to anybody else. It’s a trap. We both know it, yet we do it.

The more we stay in our lane, the happier we’ll be.

Meditate On Your Provision.

Instead of focusing (meditating) on what you don’t have, meditate on what you have and then practice gratitude for everything. This will increase joy.

Pause, look around, and notice everything you have. It’s a powerful practice I recommend.

What do you think? Am I off my rocker or right on? Please take the poll below and let me know.

To Think About…

Is there anything you’re holding onto that you should let go of?
Anything that no longer serves you? Something that weighs you down?

We’re always evolving. The new-you might need to let go of what the old-you thought you needed. 😉 

Much love,


When you’re ready:

  1. Grab my book, which is already impacting Founders profoundly.

  2. Not taking clients right now. But get on my waitlist (by responding to this email).

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