Struggle with burnout?

6 tips to help from my experience

Ever feel like you’re on the edge?

Burnout, knocking at the door?

Or maybe you’ve already been robbed by that thief.

In 2018, I experienced my first significant burnout, which resulted in the closure of a profitable business.

In 2022, my most EPIC burnout was in full effect. As a result, I closed all my businesses.

Burnout wasn’t the only factor involved in that decision. The truth was I couldn’t sustain the race on the treadmill.

Now, I’m back from the (almost) dead, and I want to share my wisdom.

If you feel close to burnout or have burned out and don’t want to do it again, I’ve got some beneficial ideas for you today.

If this isn’t relevant, please pass this letter along to someone else.

50% of entrepreneurs experience burnout. That’s recent info I’ve read on the topic. That’s nuts.

Let’s explore…

Why do we experience burnout?

  1. We live on razor-thin margins. 

    We weren’t created to run without stopping. Yet, that’s what we do. We max our lives out like there won’t be a negative consequence.

  2. We try to keep up with others. 
    “Success,” as it is known today, is a zero-sum game. Nobody wins. Scroll through social media for two minutes, and it’s easy to feel worthless 💩.

  3. We don’t honor rhythms of rest. 
    We live at a hurried pace. We think we’re invincible and limitless. Nothing could be further from the truth. That comes from pride, ego, and insecurity. Establishing rhythms of rest is not only good, it’s wise.

  4. Unrealistic expectations. 
    Good things take time. My pattern was to acquire as fast and as much as possible. Getting to your goal won’t fix (most) of your problems, and thinking it will is not a reasonable expectation.

  5. Productivity guilt. 
    Producers' anxiety is common. Ever feel guilty or anxious because you’re not productive or producing enough? The problem is that it will never be “enough.” Hence, #6.

  6. Holes in the soul.
    Everything flows from identity, my friend. I realized I ran the rat race because of the holes in my soul. When we grasp onto external validation to fill an internal lack, it drives us off the cliff.

    A bucket with holes can’t be filled. If we don’t love ourselves, value ourselves, and see our innate worth, we’ll NEVER be filled by external things. So, we must follow the pattern of achieving and running to make ourselves feel worthwhile.

  7. Using Force vs. Flow.
    There is force, or there is flow. I’ve forced a lot of growth in my career. Force requires energy, while flow harnesses energy.

How to Handle Burnout

  1. Set healthy boundaries

    Boundaries operate as a governor in your life. We all have limits. Be aware of your limits and honor them.

    Maybe you’ve worked 60 hours a week and should be 45 or 35. Know thyself and honor that.

  2. Take care of yourself.

    Sleep well. Eat well. Measure your blood (track biology… game changer for me). Create, journal, play, ponder, and enjoy life NOW. ;)

  3. Prune your life.

    What are the things that are draining energy? Cut it.
    What are the things that are a burden? Cut it.
    What’s on your calendar that shouldn’t be there? Cut it.

    We spend so much time accumulating things but never any time cutting things. Pruning is a healthy process we should all practice.

  4. Learn to love yourself.
    We'll prioritize caring for ourselves when we discover how to love ourselves. We’ll have more grace for ourselves. It’s funny; we all want freedom but rarely can handle it. 😬 

  5. Stop comparing yourself.
    There is a reason God gave us the Ten Commandments: They are for our benefit. #10: Don’t covet what your neighbor has. Coveting is unhealthy.

  6. Get in alignment.

    Get awareness of your value system. Then, operate in alignment with that value system. Cognitive dissonance (misalignment) requires a lot of energy. Burnout.

We should no longer normalize consistently tired, decision-fatigued, or living on the razor's edge of the margin.

If our current lifestyle requires that, then changes should be made.

If that’s you, take this as a sign to make the necessary changes for a healthy life.

That’s all.

Thanks to everyone who’s supported the book launch. The feedback has been incredible! If you haven’t grabbed your copy, hop over to Amazon to snag one for yourself or someone you care about. Search Joy of Failure.


p.s. Happy Mother’s Day to all the great moms reading!


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