You'll NEVER scale unless you figure this out

When I figured this out it changed everything

“I don’t have time.”
“I’m exhausted.”
“I feel stuck.”
“I’m burned out.”

These are things that every entrepreneur experiences.

I remember 2018 having a conversation with my partner, “I don’t know what’s going on or why I feel this way.”

I was toast, man. I pushed past my limit and was paying the price. It felt like I was on a treadmill and could never get off.

I couldn’t take on any more without feeling like I was gonna die. I was maxed out. I couldn’t add any more to my plate to grow. That wasn’t an option.

I was frustrated. It sucked. 🥹 

We’re entrepreneurs; therefore, we have goals and aspirations. We want to grow the business, revenue, and income.

Bad news: you’ll never grow unless you figure THIS out:

How to Strategically Replace Yourself.

I didn’t know how to do this before I burnt out.

I did everything myself, grinding my face off for 70 hours a week.

So, how could I build several lucrative businesses and manage them under 10 hours a week?

The 3 P’s!

Discover how to leverage the 3 Ps, which will tremendously impact your life and business.

Before I give you a quick breakdown of the 3 P’s, here is what is required to grow a business while generating more revenue (PROFIT) and free time to work on what you want.


I see many owners try to scale when they have no capacity. Thus, they continue to hit the glass ceiling. That requires a lot of energy, and that’s where the “stuckness” comes from.

Financial Capacity
Emotional Capacity
Time Capacity
Resource Capacity

I’m not going into capacity today, and the breakdown of what that means.

Okay, back to the 3 P’s.


These are leverage points. It means that what required you to do $100,000 a month with leverage should require LESS energy (effort, time, money, etc).

Energy is everything in scaling a business.

The 3 P’s give ENERGY back to you. Therefore, you can scale.

#1: Processes

Whether you’re a solopreneur or owner of an 8-figure business, continually installing good processes helps you reduce the required time to achieve an outcome.

Case-in-point: when I started doing content back in Aug. My goal was to consistently publish content on three platforms simultaneously.

Before creating a process took me at least 4 or 5 times longer.

That’s regained capacity. Now, I have more time (capacity) to write copy, do a sales call, or drink espresso and read a great book.

If you’re not a “process” oriented person, there are amazing people out there that are. I’m not the best “process person” out there, but I know I need them and how to find someone who can do it.

So can you, if you’re like me.

#2: People

When you’re able to install the right person to steward the proper process, it will change your business for the better.

Right people + right process = capacity.

Case in point: I started my first business, Traffic and Funnels.

We were cooking along six months in. We were already enjoying a 7 figure run rate. The problem was I was managing the marketing/ads. We kept adding more clients, and I was capped.

I couldn’t do anymore.

However, I had a great process (ads and funnels that worked), but I needed another person to manage it. I cut my time from (minimum) 20 hours a week to 2 to 3. POW! 🥋 

So, I figured out how to do this over and over. Don’t get me wrong, it was hard, and I made many costly mistakes.

#3: Productization

That which requires your time to help a client, you replace yourself by turning that into a product that can be utilized WITHOUT you.

To productize, you take what you do that’s manual and flip it to non-manual. It might require adjustment to the business model. Even if you’re a fully custom business, you can productize elements of what you do to get time back.

Case in point: One of my businesses was a fully done-for-you business. We changed and eventually adjusted the model to done-with-you (productized). Game changer: After we did that, our revenue went up and to the right (fast).

We packaged our know-how and what we used to do for clients and turned it into a product.

Ask this question to start:

What am I spending my time on that I can put into a document, tool, or video so that someone can learn, discover insight, and move forward without me? That’s a great place to start!

You can also “productize” your marketing. Instead of doing a live demo (your or your team's time), you can create a webinar, VSL, or training series.

If you feel like you’re doing everything, tired, and losing hope that you’ll be able to grow, I’d have you look at these 3 P’s as your starting point.

If you want help implementing this, reply and let me know.

Best of all, implementing the 3 Ps is good stewardship. It’s doing well with what you have.

In your corner,


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