Reflections from 2023

Looking at my calendar going into 2023, I was terrified.

All I had was open space.

That’s hard to deal with for a “doer.” I discovered how much of my identity was rooted in my ability to produce.

Sitting here at the end of the year, I’m grateful.

Here are a few reflections I wanted to share from this year that might encourage you. I’m also linking to my top letters from the year below.

  1. You’re not what you do.

    It’s easy to step into the trap of “I am what I do.” This is why we “do” so much. We never cease the constant need to produce and perform, which has consequences.

    The more I realize I’m not what I do, the more I can operate from a place of rest. I don’t have to rush to any finish line. I’ve found depths of peace. A million bucks could never buy me here.

  2. Slow is good (and hard)

    We’ve never lived as fast as we live now. Everything is accelerated and, unfortunately, normalized.

    My family has normalized a new rhythm of life that has transformed us. We have dinner together almost every night. We spend a total of 24 hours together every week, completely unplugged.

    It rubs against society. I find my addiction to being busy and hurrying must be tamed constantly. Sometimes, when I share this with others, they look at me like I’m crazy.

    I never want to go back to how I was living before.

  3. See the unseen work.

    We easily value the superficial over the essential things. Most success is a way to validate someone’s internal lack. Does it really matter?

    I found myself in this place in 2023, constantly measuring my success (or lack) in business and not opening my eyes to the true success all around me.

    My health, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally, has never been this good. My marriage and family have never been this good. My kids are thriving. I now have the opportunity to develop deep and meaningful relationships with them. That’s awesome.

    I score 100% on my sleep every night (flex). I have immense joy and contentment.

    I’m never going back to “success” as I knew it.

  4. Do the work.

    I love to overthink, and I prefer everything to be perfect. Doing the work is more important and more valuable than thinking about it, even if you don’t have complete clarity.

    Progress and movement in some direction are better than no movement.

    Consistency is greater than intensity. Showing up and putting in the reps is very beneficial, even when you don’t feel like it.

    In peace and joy, I’ve also struggled. It’s been a long time since I didn’t have much direction. That is uncomfortable. And good.

  5. Let go.

    Freedom is found in the ability to detach and let go. Let go of the past. Let go of relationships. Let go of failures. Let go of falling short. Let go of the need to control. Let go of self-judgment and criticism. Let go of where you think you should be.

    Let go.

I have many more reflections. But I’ll leave it here for now. I’m looking forward to what the new year brings.

Thank you for being a part of the beginning of this new journey with me. 🤍 

I wish you and your family a healthy, safe, and prosperous 2024.

In your corner,


Here are some of my top letters from this year:


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